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Frequently asked questions about Pitara

Answers to most “how-to” questions can be found in the Pitara User Guide.

Why is Pitara FREE

We are in early adoption mode. Early adopters can continue to use Pitara and its updates for the life of it for FREE. Drop us a line (Contact Us) to take part in the early adopter program.

How does Pitara work?

Pitara is an intelligent photo cataloging, searching, and tagging tool. It efficiently indexes metadata from your photos, so you can instantly find a set of photos. Modern cell phones & cameras insert a lot of metadata into your photos. For example location, timestamp to name a few. Pitara process and simplify that information so you can search for your photos instantly.

What Pitara is *NOT*

  1. Pitara does not upload your photos anywhere on the cloud.
  2. Pitara is not a photo editor.
  3. It does not move or reorder your photos.
  4. It’s not a photo organizer, in fact, it removes the need to organize photos!

What are some of the use cases for photo search?

Check out some of the use cases we have curated for your reference : Use cases

Does Pitara touch/change my photos in any ways?

Pitara works on a clean concept of scanning the metadata from the photos and index it in its database. By no means are the photos changed inside it. 

Image Header alteration

When the user adds TAGS to the photos, Pitara inserts those TAGS (or keywords) into the photo headers as per industry-standard protocols. There are no changes in the image itself in terms of authenticity and quality, only the image file header gets enriched with keywords. 

The advantage of inserting keywords following industry-standard protocols is that other tools can also read them.

Can Pitara index photos from an external drive?

Absolutely! Just plug-in one or more drives on your PC (desktop or laptop), and they will show up as ordinary drives. Select the drive from the  Menu -> Settings.

Note: When selecting external HD to index photos, it is advisable to keep the index on local internal HD for performance reasons. Creating the index on external HD also works, just very slowly. Just don’t change the index location and by default, it is on internal hard drive.

Can Pitara index photos from a network drive?

Absolutely! You can browse and select a network drive from the Settings dialog box. If you are unable to see the network drive on the select folder dialog box, please follow the below steps to locate it: 

  1. Run regedit
  2. Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/System
  3. Create a new DWORD entry with the name EnableLinkedConnections and value 1.
  4. Restart your computer.
  5. Now you can see and use network drives with these installers or applications.

Note:  When selecting from a network, it is advisable to keep the index on local internal hard drive for good performance.

My question was not answered here.

Answers to most “how-to” questions can be found in the Pitara User Guide.

If you can’t still find what you were looking for? Please feel free to contact us, and we will get back to you soon.

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