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Sample searches

Here are a few sample searches to help you understand, but feel free to use any combination of allowed keywords.

Location & time

A list of all location words applicable to you can be found in Location catalogs in the Pitara app. Similarly, all possible times that are available can be found in the Time catalog.

from 5 years 7PM SaturdayBrings up photos taken between 7 PM to 8 PM on Saturdays from the last five years. Handy for all date night photos for example.
from 20 years HawaiiAll your Hawaii trip photos from the last 20 years.
Redmond May 31st from 2009Photos taken in Redmond on May 31st, 2009.
Seattle weekendPhotos taken on the weekends in Seattle.
New Orleans September SaturdayPhotos that were taken in New Orleans on Saturdays in September.
Weekend nights from ten yearsPhotos that were taken at night in the last 10 years.
from 20 years 4th JulyPhotos that were taken on July 4th in the last 20 years.
from 20 years September morningPhotos from your child’s first day of school during the last 20 years (assuming schools in your area start in the first week of September in the morning).

Elevation, location & time

A list of all elevation words available for search can be found in Elevation catalogs.

10kfeetplusPhotos that were taken 10,000 feet or more above sea level.
5kfeet from 20 yearsPhotos taken at around 5,000 feet during the last 20 years.
8kfeetPhotos taken between 8,000 feet to 9,000 feet.
5kfeetplus WashingtonPhotos taken in Washington at 5,000 feet or higher.
5kfeetplus Washington morningPhotos taken during the morning in Washington at 5,000 feet or higher.
25kfeetplusPhotos taken at 25,000 feet or more, which is around the elevation of most photos taken on planes.

Camera model, location & time

All camera models that are available for search can be seen in Camera Model catalogs in Pitara.

Apple iPhone XS California from 2020Photos taken using Apple iPhone XS in California during 2020.
Canon EOS WashingtonPhotos taken in Washington using a Canon EOS.
Canon from last 5 yearsPhotos taken on all models of Canon cameras during the last 5 years.
Samsung India morningPhotos taken in India during the morning using a Samsung camera.
Nikon Coolpix from 10 yearsSearches photos taken on a Nikon Coolpix during the last 10 years.

Custom TAGs

All custom TAGs that are available for search can be seen in My TAGs catalogs in Pitara.

CutePhotos tagged with cute or containing cute
Cute HairPhotos that have both Cute and Hair tags together
Cute or HairPhotos that have either Cute or Hair meaning some photos with tags Cute and also some photos with Hair

Note: Searches containing TAGs can also contain other allowed keywords (i.e. location, date, etc.).


All folder names that are available for search can be seen in the folder catalogs.

BirthdayPhotos from the folders, that contain the word ‘Birthday’. For example – “July’s Birthday” “Happy Birthday Ben” all these folder photos will be picked.

Note: Searches containing folder names can also contain other allowed keywords (i.e. location, date, etc.).

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